Every one loves nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background and knows how beautiful it is. Human mind is curious and always in search of knowledge to seek the answers to the question that are still pending. Human has landed its foot on the moon and is now trying hard for Mars and other planets. But the fact is that our own earth is so much vast that many areas are still to explore. Our natural environment is full of lush vallies and green areas.
Introduction to nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background
nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background depicts beauty of nature and describes its components. It is the basic human need that once in every two weeks it should move towards mountains towards natural environment. Spending some quality time in lush green mountains and natural environment provides you sense of peace, opens your mind and lets you feel relax and comfortable in pollution free environment. Our nature is so much vast, complex and is interconnected. From boundless areas of cosmos to our interconnected and one of its kind ecosystem nature encompasses each and everything. This article will take you to mountains ride and into the lush green vallies.
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nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background: Understanding Its Components
Nature consists of almost everything that is either physical or exists biologically. These are interconnected to create the dynamic ecosystem and complex environment. In physical nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background, it includes everything from our galaxy to enormous food chain. These physical nature of earth i.e. oceans, valleys, mountains and rivers etc. are formed a geological processes like volcanic activity and earth quakes produces new mountains, abundance of trees create more rain which in return maintains the temperature of earth and protects from excessive flooding. They play the most important role in shaping our earth, its climate and biodiversity.
Biological Factor
The biological factor of nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background includes the divers forms of life that are living on earth such as micro-organisms, plants, fungi, plants and animals. God has produced everything for its purpose and it must play its part for that. Each specie has its niche that it possess with environment it is living in contributing to interactions with our ecosystem. Plants have been given the role to produce oxygen essential for life while animals pollinate and are responsible for seed dispersal and in return running the cycle of life.
The Significance of nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background: Beyond Aesthetic Appeal
Nature is appealing and beautiful but there are things beyond its physical appearance. It holds ecological, economic and cultural importance. Nature plays important role in maintaining life. Our forests absorb unwanted carbon dioxide gas while releasing oxygen. Photosynthesis process is itself best example of diverse ecosystems. Nature works on Lenze’s law which states that everything works to oppose the change.
Working of Nature
Our nature works in a similar way. It preserves the air, purifies the water which are essential things for human being. To beautifully explain the nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background we can look into the amazon rain forest which is considered as lungs of earth. Almost 70% oxygen is produced from it and around 80% area of it is still untouched by human.
nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background resources also contribute to our economy. Forests , fisheries and tourism depend on natural resources and provide economy needed for the balance of life. The beauty of nature attracts tourists from all over the world which in return generates healthy economy for locals as well as global.
The Challenges Facing nature:5nor5a-vhpg= background
We human beings are destroyer of everything. Our nature is so beautiful that it should have been protected instead of what we are doing to it today. From destroying forests for timber, planting factories that ruin fresh water to using vigorously natural resources, we are moving on fast paced track of destruction and destroying our habitat with our own hands.
Role of Plastic in Pollution
Recent studies have shown that the plastic we use cannot be absorbed by earth and it is forming an insulating layer underneath us causing pollution and rise in temperature. Excessive use of petroleum products produces harmful gases.
Continuous deforestation for timber and urban development is causing significant rise in temperature and un-predicted urban flooding. Waste material from factories pollutes air, water and soil. Due to continuous emission of harmful gasses by using vehicle and factories our climate is changing very rapidly. This can be justified by the fact that winters and summers have extreme temperatures. In winter it significantly drops below zero while in summer it can even reach to 54 Celsius. These are alarming issues which need to be rectified on priority basis.
Embracing a Sustainable Future: Actions and Solutions
We are at the brink of destruction and that destruction which we are causing to ourselves. Like every beautiful and eye catching thing which even benefits us by providing oxygen, fresh water and healthy environment, needs to be protected. We need to find the alternative solutions. It is not the responsibility of an individual but requires a collective effort. By conservating natural resources, using their more environmental friendly alternatives, sustainable resource management and providing education and awareness we can still save our beautiful nature.
Nature is the basic unit of life on Earth. It components like physical, biological and ecological work together to form ecosystem that is well interconnected. It is necessary to understanding the importance of nature and its protection. See More